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From Baja California, Mexico, near 23° 49' 19" N 110° 40' 37" W, 6 minutes 51 seconds totality
Nikon FM-2, Nikkor lens 50 mm at f16, 1/4000 sec. with neutral density filters ND8 + ND4.
Kodak 5100 Ektar ASA 25 color negative film, images at six minute intervals (a bit overexposed),
center image is 5 second exposure at 18:50:02 with no filters, probaby f16.
The negative has 13 images from 1st contact to 2nd contact, the central image,
then 7 images from 3rd contact. This display has been cropped to show the balanced 7 images
centered on mid-eclipse. The film was mistakenly wound to the next frame for the 8th image,
with six more images on the next frame. The flaw on the central image is due to dust in the
camera falling on the frame during the two hours and twenty-one exposures and the camera pointed directly overhead.

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Page last updated: Sunday, 10-Jun-2012 23:19:03 PDT.